Oct 6th will be a National Day to Resist Military Recruiters for high-school students. Iraqi Veterans Against the War and World Can't Wait invite you to be seen on your high-school campus along with students on campuses across the country on October 6th to resist military recruiters. For more information visit WeAreNotYourSoldiers.Org.
No matter where you are, you have a voice! Whether we resist military recruiters has everything to do with the future we’ll get.
On Tuesday, October 6 students can:
* Wear an orange bandanna or ribbon (the color against torture and war) to show there's a movement
* Show a film of Iraq veterans telling about the war crimes the US military committed. Invite anti-war veterans to talk to your class or assembly. WeAreNotYourSoldiers.org
* Confront military recruiters at your school or in the mall, telling them why you refuse to sign up, so that other students hear your side.
* Protest at a military recruiting office and call the media to let them know why.
H5N1p-2025: A Scenario
3 days ago
dear cyn.. i hope this gets thru..i never knew the color orange was to protet war ..but i love the color orange :) love you mucho..mom
ReplyDeleteHaha! You did it mom! Yay! You may be anonymous to some people, but never to me. :-) xxxooo